Hazing Violations

The University of Texas at Austin is committed to providing a safe educational environment for everyone and does not tolerate hazing by any group or individual affiliated with the university. The university expects that all students and organizations will observe and fully comply with state law, university regulations, and administrative rules associated with the prohibition of hazing.

Hazing is prohibited under state law and university policy. The university will take disciplinary action for hazing that takes place during official university functions, or during functions held by registered or sponsored student organizations; the university will also take disciplinary action for hazing incidents that have a substantial connection to the interests of the university, wherever they occur.

State Law

University Policies

Hazing Violations Within the Last Three Years

In alignment with state law, and to inform students in their choice to join student groups, The University of Texas at Austin publishes and distributes this report of hazing violations and the organizations disciplined. The violations listed below include those with conduct processes resolved within the last three years, as well as on-going discipline outcomes.

Information about outcomes for organizational discipline is available in Section 6–510 – Outcomes, in Subchapter 6-500, Disciplinary Procedures of the Institutional Rules.

  Texas Infinites
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:May 13, 2024
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:February 15, 2024
Date of Report to Institution:February 12, 2024
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:February 10, 2024
General Description of Hazing Incident:The new member class was given a directive to complete certain tasks, meet at an off-campus location within a limited time frame, and to purchase alcohol.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Alcohol, Intimidation, Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until May 31, 2025; Completion of four dimensions of the Successful Student Organizations Program: Dimension 1 – Self-Reflection, Dimension 2 – Organizational Identity, Dimension 5 – Anti-Hazing Culture, and Dimension 6 – Safety and Risk Management
  Delta Upsilon
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:January 11, 2024
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 3, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:October 31, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:September 11, 2023
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were required to participate in a physical fitness test as part of initiation.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Calisthenics
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until August 1, 2024; Completion of two dimensions of the Successful Student Organizations Program: Dimension 1 – Self-Reflection and Dimension 5 – Anti-Hazing Culture
  Pi Kappa Alpha
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:December 18, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:September 28, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:September 23, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:August and September 2023
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were directed to consume milk and perform calisthenics during meetings.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Calisthenics and Hazing – Consumption of Food
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2024; Submit New Member Education Program by February 1, 2024; Submit Hazing Prevention Plan by February 28, 2024
  Texas Wranglers
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:December 5, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:October 31, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:October 29, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Fall 2023
General Description of Hazing Incident:Maverick Candidates (new members) were required to purchase alcohol and wear a backpack during Commando Fit workouts for providing false information to their trainers.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Physical Activity
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2024; Completion of the Successful Student Organization Program: Dimension 1 – Self-Reflection, Dimension 2 – Organizational Identity, Dimension 3 – Operations/Governance, Dimension 4 – University Alignment, and Dimension 5 – Anti-Hazing Culture by March 31, 2024
  Beta Upsilon Chi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:November 7, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:September 14, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:September 13-14, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:September 12, 2023
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were directed to wear a funny outfit and dance during the big brother/little brother reveal.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2024; Submit New Member Education Plan by February 9, 2024; Hazing Prevention Presentation / Workshop for Officers by February 16, 2024
  Sigma Phi Epsilon
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:May 12, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:October 3, 2022
Date of Report to Institution:October 1, 2022
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:August – September 2022
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were made to engage in acts of servitude, such as purchasing food.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Servitude
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2024; Completion of Nine Dimensions of Successful Student Organizations Program
  Pi Kappa Phi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:October 30, 2019
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:June 12, 2019
Date of Report to Institution:June 12, 2019
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Fall 2018 and Spring 2019
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 semesters, new members: were made to engage in acts of servitude for active members, such as cleaning the house and giving rides to various locations; were driven around, some while having bags placed over their heads, by active members for hours while listening to disturbing, loud music; had to participate in calisthenics and line-ups; required to carry certain items with them; placed in a room in the house referred to as the "Hazement," a small room devoid of light, to complete line-ups and puzzles; were shot with air soft guns; made to ingest gross/unwanted substances including laundry detergent, cat food, and ghost peppers; and subjected to interrogation by active members.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Calisthenics; Consumption of Food/Liquid/Alcohol; Intimidation; Servitude; Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Cancelled, term end date no less than four (4) academic years; probation for two (2) years following reinstatement after cancellation.
  Texas Cowboys
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:June 7, 2019
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 14, 2018
Date of Report to Institution:November 13, 2018
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:September 29, 2018
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Fall 2018 new member retreat, new members were struck by wooden sticks; forced or coerced to ingest unwanted substances such as cat food, Spam, tabasco sauce, garlic, onions, and chug a gallon of milk; coerced to consume alcohol, including those underage; one new member was coerced to bite the head off of a live hamster; forced to participate in various physical activities and calisthenics; experienced degredation; and were required to bring items provided on a shopping list. Other similar acts of hazing, including the incident with the hamster, were confirmed to have also occurred in previous semesters.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Physical Brutality; Calisthenics; Consumption of Food/Liquid/Alcohol; Mental Health Threat; Animal Cruelty
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Cancelled, term end date is six (6) years
  Delta Kappa Delta
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:May 23, 2019
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:April 8, 2019
Date of Report to Institution:April 7, 2019
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:April 2, 2019
General Description of Hazing Incident:The pledge class of Spring 2019 was subjected to late-night meetings and line-ups for recitation that would include a burdensome amount of work in the form of assignments, being yelled at and demeaned by active members when answering oral quizzes incorrectly, and general condescension.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Closed by Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. through at least May 31, 2024; University Probation will be two (2) years from return to active status.
  Texas Rho Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:May 23, 2018
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 7, 2017
Date of Report to Institution:November 6, 2017
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:November 6, 2017
General Description of Hazing Incident:During Fall 2017, new members were required to consume alcohol and ingest gross/unwanted substances; required to participate in calisthenics; subjected to physical brutality; engage in boxing/fights; confined to uncomfortable spaces; degraded and demeaned during line-ups; carry school supplies and items in a plastic co-op bag; subjected to servitude such as cleaning the house, running errands, building structures for parties; and required to wear a new member-specific uniform.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Physical Brutality; Calisthenics; Consumption of Food/Liquid/Alcohol; Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Cancelled, term end date no less than four (4) years.
  Alpha Tau Omega
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:April 25, 2018
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:December 5, 2017
Date of Report to Institution:December 5, 2017
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:December 2, 2017
General Description of Hazing Incident:Members of the Fall 2017 pledge class were subjected to the forced consumption of alcohol and ingestion of unwanted substances such as cat food, spoiled food, raw onions, and hot sauce; forced calisthenics; physical brutality by way of wooden paddles and electric cattle prods; degradation during line-ups for recitation; as well as servitude in the form of cleaning the house, running errands for active members, and building structures.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Physical Brutality; Calisthenics; Consumption of Food/Liquid/Alcohol; Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Cancelled, term end date no less than four (4) years

Hazing Violations with Discipline Completed Within the Last Three Years

  Phi Kappa Sigma
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:July 12, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:January 23, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:January 19, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Prior to, and during, the Fall 2022 semester
General Description of Hazing Incident:Engaged in alcohol misconduct and hazed members through degradation and competitions/games with alcohol consumption.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:6-404(8)(b) Alcohol Misconduct, 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:6-404(8)(b) Alcohol Misconduct, 6-404(7) Hazing
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Deferred Suspension until May 31, 2024; Completion of educational sanctions including, but not limited to, risk management trainings and new member education plan submission.
  Alpha Kappa Psi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:May 31, 2023
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:February 17, 2023
Date of Report to Institution:February 10, 2023
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:February 9, 2023
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were directed to consume alcohol during a new member event.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7)(c) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Consumption of Alcohol
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until May 31, 2024; Completion of two dimensions of the Successful Student Organizations Program: Dimension 1 – Self-Reflection and Dimension 5 – Anti-Hazing Culture
  Alpha Epsilon Pi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:December 7, 2022
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 11, 2022
Date of Report to Institution:October 24, 2022
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Week of September 12, 2022
General Description of Hazing Incident:During "Big Brother" night, new members were made uncomfortable through intimidation.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-404(7)(d) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing - Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until May 31, 2024; Completion of Dimension 5 – Anti-Hazing Culture of the Successful Student Organizations Program
  Sigma Chi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:November 20, 2022
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:October 10, 2022
Date of Report to Institution:October 10, 2022
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Various dates between September 4, 2022 and October 10, 2022
General Description of Hazing Incident:Engaged in alcohol misconduct, and hazed new members through servitude, degradation, calisthenics and line-ups.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:6-404(8)(b) Alcohol Misconduct; 6-404(7) Hazing
University or Court Findings:Alcohol Misconduct-providing alcohol to minors; Hazing – servitude; actions intended to demean; calisthenics; line-ups.
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Disciplinary Probation until May 31, 2024; Completion of two dimensions of the Successful Student Organizations Program: Dimension 5 – Anti-hazing Culture and Dimension 6 – Safety and Risk Management
  Absolute Texxas
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:December 2, 2022
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:October 20, 2022
Date of Report to Institution:October 24, 2022
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:September 23, 2022
General Description of Hazing Incident:Engaged in alcohol and drug misconduct, and hazed new members through blindfolding, kidnapping, and degradation.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:6-404(9)(a) Drugs, 6-404(8)(b) Alcohol Misconduct, 6-404(7)(g) Hazing (Requiring Person to Violate Penal Code), 6-404(7)(f) Hazing (Phone Confiscation), 6-404(7)(d) Hazing (Demean/Embarrass), 6-404(7)(b) Hazing (Calisthenics)
University or Court Findings:Drug Misconduct; Alcohol Misconduct; Hazing – phone confiscation, actions intended to demean or embarrass, calisthenics, requirement to engage in actions which violate the penal code.
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Deferred Suspension until May 31, 2024; Completion of the Successful Student Organizations Program (9 Dimensions); Prohibition from representing the university or partnering with university athletics; Preapproval required for all events. (Sanctions Accepted by Organization: February 9, 2023)
  Kappa Delta Chi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:March 28, 2022
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:February 22, 2022
Date of Report to Institution:February 21, 2022
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:February 11, 2022 and February 12, 2022
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were directed to leave their residence in the late evening hours, without advance notice, and driven by active members to an officer's residence. Also, new members were blindfolded during activities and compelled to remain at the officer's residence after midnight.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Mental Health Threat, Sleep Deprivation
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Conditional registration effective March 28, 2022 to May 31, 2023
  Student Government – Longhorn Legislative Aides
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:March 22, 2022
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 11, 2021
Date of Report to Institution:November 8, 2021
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:September 29, 2021
General Description of Hazing Incident:Active members of Student Government Longhorn Legislative Aides hazed student-applicants as part of an initiation into the Longhorn Legislative Aides organization, resulting in emotional harm and degradation.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Degradation; Emotional Harm.
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Probation until December 31, 2022; Hazing Prevention/Spectrum of Hazing Presentation to organization members; Leadership Transition Meetings with Office of the Dean of Students;
  Phi Kappa Psi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:November 15, 2021
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:September 13, 2021
Date of Report to Institution:September 13, 2021
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Fall 2021
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Fall 2021 semester, new members were made to engage in acts of servitude for active members, such as assisting with cleaning the chapter house and completing laundry. New members were also called to the chapter house after 11:00 pm for the purpose of reviewing their personal conduct by active members.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Servitude
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Conditional registration effective November 15, 2021 to December 31, 2022
  Sigma Phi Epsilon
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:November 5, 2021
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:September 1, 2021
Date of Report to Institution:August 24, 2021
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Fall 2021
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Fall 2021 semester, new members were made to engage in acts of servitude for active members, such as painting a room and carrying items.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Servitude
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Conditional registration effective November 5, 2021 to December 31, 2022
  Sigma Lambda Beta
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:November 2, 2021
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:October 7, 2021
Date of Report to Institution:October 6, 2021
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:October 4, 2021
General Description of Hazing Incident:New members were required to bring all black attire to an active member's residence, wear all black attire and a blindfold during activities, compelled to select and sing a song in unison before exiting a room, and answer questions while loud music played in the background.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – Mental Health Threat
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Conditional registration effective November 2, 2021 to December 31, 2022
  alpha Kappa Delta Phi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:December 20, 2021
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:December 7, 2021
Date of Report to Institution:November 16, 2021
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:Spring 2021
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Spring 2021 semester, new members were required to take a shot of hot sauce and run around outside an apartment.
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Calisthenics; Consumption of Food
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Probation and educational sanctions issued by alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. effective April 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021
  Delta Sigma Phi
Date of Conduct Process Resolution or Court Conviction:February 10, 2021
Date Conduct Investigation Initiated:November 13, 2020
Date of Report to Institution:November 9, 2020
Date of Hazing Incident or Citation:November 7, 2020
General Description of Hazing Incident:During the Fall 2020 semester, Delta Sigma Phi hazed new members on the night of initiation through line-ups intended to demean and intimidate, and sensory deprivation techniques such as being blindfolded while made to sit in a dark room for 6-7 hours with music being played on repeat,
Rules Violations or Criminal Charges:Violation of Rule 6-400 (a)(6)- Hazing
University or Court Findings:Hazing – line-ups, blindfolded and sensory deprivation;
University Sanctions or Court Fines:Suspension until December 31, 2021; Hazing education for the chapter; Presentation regarding educational outcomes to be presented to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity; Organization Rehabilitation Plan.